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Ivan Pili – Artist and Painter – Uta (CA)

Italian Contemporary Art di Ivan Pili

Ivan Pili is an artist and a painter. He deals with contemporary paintings; Works oil on canvas, figurative, realism, hyperrealism; Commissioned portraits, online sales; Choose to make yourself a nice gift: buy the best Italian works of the moment at affordable prices. At home, in the studio or in the workplace, make everything special with unique paintings of their kind. Invest in unique and certified art. Contact me and we will discuss the most affordable price for you

Orari di Apertura

  • OggiOra Chiuso
  • Lunedì H24 -
  • Martedì H24 -
  • Mercoledì H24 -
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  • Venerdì H24 -
  • Sabato H24 -
  • Domenica H24 -
7 ottobre 2024 13:25


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